Welcome to The Data Bloq

We provide career services to help incoming and current techies progress in their data-driven careers! Get career advice, learn in-demand data skills, become in-demand.

We offer training across a variety of areas in data

We provide study guides, certification and training suggestions, project ideas, and interview prep to ensure that you're recognized as top DATA talent!

Data Governance

A company's data analytics efforts are only as good as the procedures and processes they use to ensure that their data is usable, accessible, and secure!

Data Engineering

Retrieving data from different applications/sources and storing it all in a centralized warehouse is key to making sure that managers, analysts, and scientists have consistent, up to date data!

Data Analytics

Using data visualization tools to analyze and make sense of data is important when it comes to understanding different aspects of a business: whether it's sales, inventory, or employee behavior!

Data Science

When working with extremely large structured/unstructured data sets, it's best to use programming, statistics, and machine learning algorithms to clean the data and extract insights!

There are over 700k jobs in tech that are unfilled right now, with at least 100k of them relating to data

Our goal is to help fill those roles with qualified data experts. We are here to assist you on your career journey, whether it's getting started in tech, pivoting into data, or taking the next steep in your data career. We believe that upskilling doesn't have to be difficult, just strategic.

Here's how The Data Bloq can help you pivot into the next step of your career.

We help you explore the skills needed to launch your data career

Here are some of the products we offer:

Career consultations that give you clarity on what skills, roles, and industries are relevant to your career goals

Resume and LinkedIn Revamps that help you rebrand your career

Study guides and resources that give you the exact info needed to take the next steps in your journey

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